Stowaway, the new Analogue show created by Hannah Barker and myself is currently on a short tour of the South East of England.
It tells the story of a man who conceals himself in the wheel arch of a plane on a flight bound from Dubai to London.
The project has been a real labour of love over the past few years, and it continues to throw up all sorts of complicated questions and resonances that we're looking forward to continuing to share and explore next year.
In the mean time, check our the tour dates here
It tells the story of a man who conceals himself in the wheel arch of a plane on a flight bound from Dubai to London.
The project has been a real labour of love over the past few years, and it continues to throw up all sorts of complicated questions and resonances that we're looking forward to continuing to share and explore next year.
In the mean time, check our the tour dates here
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